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Far Cry 5 Review

The lowdown

Ubisoft follows its hugely successfully Assassins Creed Origins with the latest instalment in the Far Cry series, taking place in the ironically fictional Hope County this game follows a deputy’s quest to overthrow the sadistic doomsday cult lead by a somewhat mentally challenged Joseph Seed and family of followers, and by that I really do mean family! On your way to challenging Joseph you first need to take down 2 of his brother and a sister (who I still think is a hallucination) in each of their respective regions before challenged the self-appointed leader of hope county himself.

A Far Cry from HD!

The visual experience in this game is stunning, if you are playing this game on 4K resolution (which I completely advise that you should) you are in for one of the most visually breath-taking gaming experiences you have ever had. From the opening credit scenes this game fails to disappoint your eyes and the level of detail that has gone into every aspect of this game really is something to behold, my only criticism is that it often feels that more effort has gone into making this possibly the best 4K experience of 2018 that in turn the gameplay mechanics and story campaign has been somewhat overlooked as a result of this.

Gone Fishing?

Be prepared to spend many hours sat at the picturesque lakes and fishing spots spread throughout Hope County as fishing is going to play an integral part of progressing throughout the Far Cry 5 experience. There will be several side and campaign missions revolving around fishing and in order to unlock all four fishing rods for you achievement hunters out there you are going to need to fish every available type of fish including some heavy monsters for the state records, the method of using the rods is fairly straight forward and should cause you too many issues.

star struck Gaming Rating

Far Cry 5 is not without its faults and in this gamers opinion this game is not an improvement on Far Cry 4 is terms of gameplay and story content but that doesn’t necessarily make it a disappointing game! The Story is engaging, and the gameplay is smooth, you can demolish the story missions within the space of a few hours or you can spend your time earning yourself awesome new perks which will make the latter stages of the campaign a smooth ride. Is Far Cry 5 perfect? No but it has its perfect moments and the addition of the arcade mode makes for a nice twist, if like myself you ordered the gold edition then several DLC packs and a remastered Far Cry 3 await further down the line!

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I've been a gamer ever since I was old enough to hold a controller, early 90's to be exact. My first console was a NES, with my favourite games ranging from Super Mario to Duck Hunt. Fast forward almost 30 years and I'm now a PS4, PC and Switch player. My ideal genres are RPG and RTS titles, so Assassin's Creed, Kingdom Hearts, Viv 6 and Two Point Hospital are included in my mix.

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