Steam Library Update

For the PC gamers out there the Steam dashboard is a place that you’ll visit pretty often – several times per day for the hardcore gamers out there. On the left-hand menu of the dashboard you’d find some odd looking areas with nothing to show in addition to a list of links – that is until now when the Steam library update was revealed.

The new paint job that the Steam library update is getting was revealed just yesterday by Valve, and the new features include much cleaner category tags, lovely big thumbnails and generally a  much more vibrant looking dashboard. At the top of your dashboard you’ll see the games that you’ve played most recently, and activity that your mates are enjoying will now show within a new columned area which is much more efficient looking.

The most favourable Steam library update features

Among our favourite Steam library update features is the makeover that the category tags have been given, it means your Steam store purchases will allow you to group your library into similar title collections. Your mates activity feed, and related streams happening for the game are all going to be in one place when you select a title of your choice.

Credit: Valve

Right now the design changes are only going to have an impact on the Steam library, there’s no obvious amendments that will affect the look and feel of the store just yet.

When is the Steam library update arriving?

As we noted in our Steam Link Anywhere post, there’s a bunch of new features that are currently being worked on in a select beta phase so you can be pretty certain the Steam library update will crop up soon. Before valve start completely revamping an already working solution within the Steam app, it would be worth them focusing their attention on the issues currently surrounding the upcoming store release exploits that are receiving criticism.

Whether it’s a coincidence or not is unknown, but yesterday on the same day as the Steam library update details emerged, Epic also unveiled their own games store makeover. The Epic store update details emerged on Variety which detailed the fact that their update would improve privacy curation and ensuring creators get a fair share.

With both revamps going on and with many games (such as the Division 2) moving from a Steam Store release to the Epic store, there’s certainly some well-oiled competition going on right now.

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