
The Witcher TV Series Finally Gets A Confirmed Release Date This Year

Credit: imdb.com

As per reports from the Hard Times we’ve heard that Geralt who is being played by Henry Cavill has been exploring other avenues despite requiring to focus on The Witcher TV series. Fortunately despite Cavill not devoting as much attention as everyone may hope he has now settled to ensure The Witcher TV series goes ahead as planned.

When will we see The Witcher TV Series air?

Thanks to a recent investor call The Witcher TV series has been given a release date of Q4 2019, so likely somewhere around October time (ish). Whether Geralt being played by Henry Cavill is a good thing or not is something that only binge watching the series will tell. In a tweet last year we got to see the very first footage of what Cavill would look like as Geralt, with a very split response from fans to say the least. much like the upcoming Detective Pikachu movie played by Ryan Reynolds and the Sonic The Hedgehog Movie coming, it’s going to be the norm to see a divide between the fans out there.

It may seem a bit vague just to mention The Witcher TV series releasing Q4, but specifically we’re looking at the remaining three months of 2019 some point during October to December. Any fan of the Witcher franchise is expecting some pretty big things from The Witcher TV Series, and bringing in Daredevil’s Lauren Schmidt Hissrich alongside Cavill is either going to be insanely epic or a complete flop.Essentially if we were to see a proper teaser trailer then it may help to show exactly what we can expect, in typical showbiz style though this won’t drop til pretty close to the launch.

The storyline is still on the quiet side and we probably won’t see anything til that wished for trailer drops. What we do know is that The Witcher TV series is being based on the popular book franchise as opposed to that of CD Projekt Red‘s franchise.

The Netflix description for The Witcher TV Series reads “The Witcher Geralt, a mutated monster hunter, struggles to find his place in world where people often prove more wicked than beasts”pretty slim to say the least – so let’s kick back and watch the year go by until a reveal trailer drops.

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