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Xbox Game Pass PC Rollout Is Happening, Microsoft Says

Forza Horizon 4 on Xbox Game Pass Key Art

Xbox Game Pass PC is good news

The question as to whether Xbox Game Pass PC uptake was going to happen has now been answered, the growing Xbox subscription service is going to be made available to PC players as made clear by a recent announcement in the latest MS earnings stream by Satya Nadella (CEO).

The background on Game Pass

It was only last summer that we saw Microsoft roll out Game Pass to Xbox owners, which provided playable games from a ever-expanding list of games got a mere £7.99 monthly subscription cost. There are in excess of 200 games in the library at the time of writing which are all included within the cost. Sea of thieves and the recently released Forza Horizon 4 are just a couple of the blockbuster titles the hit the list recently, both of which were added on their day of launch.

As an addition, all of the first-party titles will inherit a simultaneous release both on Xbox one and PC as a handshake with the Play Anywhere possibility, and of course Xbox game Pass gamers will have the access on both platforms.Xbox game Pass PC subscription is already a thing meaning that they can get unlimited access to newer releases, but fall down when it comes to non-exclusive titles and of course some of the older games currently only available to Xbox adopters. With this in mind it means that only Xbox players get the full benefit of the subscription service.

But that’s all changing

In an audio transcription by Seeking Alpha, Microsoft’s CEO said that “Xbox has the key gaming community and the monetisation capabilities. Whether it’s first-party games or third-party games, we are best-in-class in that monetisation and that’s what’s reflected in the results.

“So given that structural position, we are going to make sure that we keep increasing the strength of the community. You see that already with Minecraft going to all platforms and that increasing the intensity of the community and you’ll see us do more of that. Obviously, bringing Game Pass to even the PC is going to be a big element of that.”

Xbox Game Pass PC uptake will be well received, especially by those who have seen the value that Xbox Game Pass can add, and the fact that the MS guys are continually adding to the already massive catalogue of games available. That same library that’s already available to Xbox owners should in theory be readily available to those who uptake the service on PC, and by the time its available the library could also have grown significantly too.

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I've been a gamer ever since I was old enough to hold a controller, early 90's to be exact. My first console was a NES, with my favourite games ranging from Super Mario to Duck Hunt. Fast forward almost 30 years and I'm now a PS4, PC and Switch player. My ideal genres are RPG and RTS titles, so Assassin's Creed, Kingdom Hearts, Viv 6 and Two Point Hospital are included in my mix.

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