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Borderlands 3 Release Date & Epic Store Exclusivity CONFIRMED

The Borderlands 3 official announce trailer is here, and with it comes the confirmed Borderlands 3 release date.

Following a leak that sprung earlier this week, where a Twitter post appeared and then got deleted – we now have a confirmed Borderlands 3 Release Date. A Tweet from the Gearbox official Twitter account confirmed the news today as promised during the announce.

When is the Borderlands 3 release date?

As per their official announcement, the Borderlands 3 release date is going to be happening on September 13th, although we guessed this was probably going to be the case following this week’s game leak.

The leak on April Fools Day may have been a bit of a laugh for some, while the OP of the tweet probably faced an early retirement…

Gamers have been awaiting a Borderlands 3 release date for seven years now, so giving a five month window before release, rather than hyping over a number of years wasn’t a bad move in my opinion.

With titles like Battlefront 3 and Modern Warfare 4 having a likely release of October or November this year, the Borderlands 3 release date  being September will give the game some space to breathe. With all the build up to Borderlands 3 coming out it shouldn’t struggle to prove a hit with fans and those who are new to the series, arguably as big as Red Dead Redemption 2‘ release last year.

And then there’s the exclusivity deal

Not only did we get a confirmed Borderlands 3 release date today, but we also got wind that the Epic Games Store is going to get an exclusivity contract for the game. This means that Steam aren’t going to get a piece of a very popular pie, and this is likely due to the fact that Epic didn’t hold back in terms of a monetary value to Gearbox. On the flip side Steam probably weren’t going to give Gearbox anywhere near as good a commission rate compared with Epic, seeing as how Steam are in the dark ages having not updated their revenue cuts in quite some time.

Realistically the PC gamers out there aren’t going to be impacted too much, it’s not as if they’re upgrading their hardware, or paying anything to switch to Epic’s client – as that’s free to download anyway. After losing titles like The Division 2 to Epic, Steam hopefully have something up their digital sleeve to try and win some of the exclusivity battles.

May 1st is set to reveal more details surrounding Borderlands 3, which is less than a month away and promises to show some gameplay – which personally I’m looking forward to.

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I've been a gamer ever since I was old enough to hold a controller, early 90's to be exact. My first console was a NES, with my favourite games ranging from Super Mario to Duck Hunt. Fast forward almost 30 years and I'm now a PS4, PC and Switch player. My ideal genres are RPG and RTS titles, so Assassin's Creed, Kingdom Hearts, Viv 6 and Two Point Hospital are included in my mix.

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