Ubisoft Club points expiring
It looks like those points you’ve been saving for the last ten years are going to have a use by date, according to an announcement surrounding big changes to the rewards scheme. The Ubisoft Club points expiring is something we’ve never seen, even with how the previous points scheme worked (being points were called units) it meant that players were able to build up these points over the past decade since the scheme launched with no expiration.
What are Ubisoft points and when do they expire?
For those who’ve been saving up their points, you’ll be able to spend them until April next year which is the current date that will see Ubisoft Club points expiring. To gain Ubi points players would need to complete specific in-game tasks, much like PS4 trophies are earned and in return purchase in-game items. Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is one of the most recent games where noticeable points are earned. Points can also be used to receive 20% off transactions direct from Ubisoft.
This news initially came from a Subreddit user and was then confirmed as legit after a Ubisoft support FAQ was released. Essentially as you earn new milestones to unlock the points you’ll then have two years to use them before Ubisoft Club points expiring occurs. This change is to come into effect starting the 1st April next year, so in other words any points earned since March 31st 2017 will expire on this date in 2019.
Rules vary by region
Make sure you check the FAQ pages for your specific region as Canada for one have not been subjected to this change as their points have not yet been affected.
We don’t know why the above changes have been brought into effect just yet, Ubisoft is yet to give any clarification. The Ubisoft Club points expiring isn’t bespoke within the industry as Nintendo’s points system offers dual expiration dates. Gold and Platinum rewards points are usable for six and twelve months before expiring, and are usable against game rewards and discounts.