Red Dead Redemption 2 File Size – that’s big!
It’s no secret that the Red Dead 2 world is going to be pretty explorative at the very minimum, scouring the Wild West with such a vast range of things to do – and with it the Red Dead Redemption 2 file size is going to have to reflect this.
Lots of guesswork
Rockstar has recently created a dedicated support page for Red Dead Redemption 2 in an area of theĀ Rockstar support website.
We already knew that the initial installation wasn’t going to be on a small scale given the size of the game itself, with the PS4 Pro bundle of the game stated it would come in at around 105 GB. 88 GB was the figure provided by the Microsoft Store, however we’ve now been given the actual Red Dead Redemption 2 size thanks to the dedicated support page.
How big!?
For PS4 users who’ve opted for a physical copy of the game, the update is going to come in at 99 GB to get you started. If you’ve decided to follow the digital download trend on the other hand you are going to need to free up even more space on your hard drive, with the update adding an extra 50 GB stacked on top of that original 99 GB.
For players installing on Xbox One the game weighs in a little more hefty with the base installation costing you 107 GB of storage space.
A little tip for getting back on the horse*** For those going along the digital download route, putting the Red Dead Redemption 2 size aside you will be able to preload the game right away, meaning that when the clock strikes midnight Friday morning and you have your Xbox/PS4 turned on you’ll be able to leave the game to finish installing automatically. That way you’ll be ready to play in no time.
When you pre-order the digital version of the game you’ll also be awarded some pre-order bonuses including an Outlaw Survival kit, The Ardennes War Horse, as well as additional moolah when playing the Red Dead Redemption 2 story mode. GTA V players will also get additional GTA cash to spend in GTA online with both games being under the Rockstar umbrella.