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Ordered The Spiderman PS4 Pro Console? Read This Before It’s Too Late!

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spiderman ps4 pro console-featured

With the release of Spiderman, the exclusive bombshell that’s coming to PS4 next month fans are going that one step further by pre-ordering the Spiderman PS4 Pro console. But there’s one little niggle that seems to have been overlooked in terms of the console…

The Spiderman PS4 Pro console may not be a pro

So what we’re seeing is a heck of a lot of other websites updating that the Spiderman PS4 Pro console is back in stock at Amazon, but on looking at the finer details, it doesn’t actually look like in the UK is selling a pro console, but a standard edition of the console – which is ok if you’re not looking for the 4K support I guess.

I hold my hands up that I initially pre-ordered the standard console assuming it was a pro, and then quickly cancelled and ordered the pro version elsewhere.

As you can see from the image above the Amazon PS4 is missing one very subtle difference to that of the image on PlayStation’s website, see in the top-right corner of the box? Yep it doesn’t mention anything about 4k.

In Amazon’s defence looking over their UK listing there is absolutely no mention of 4k or this being the Pro version of the console, but if you’re directed to that listing via another site there’s a very good chance you’ll just assume it’s the Pro version.

Although many sites are linking to the below Amazon listing claiming the console is in fact the pro version, it looks as though it’s in fact only Amazon.com (not UK) that are stocking the pro version.

Description below from their US listing:

So where can I get the real Spiderman PS4 Pro console?

Currently one of the only places to have stock in the UK available is GAME, who have both versions of the console (standard and pro) so you know exactly what you’re getting. The price also reflects this. Personally I’d pay the extra £50 or so for the upgrade.


Does the console come with a copy of Spiderman?

In short not with GAME or the standard edition from Amazon, you can order a copy of the game separately but you’ll have to pay extra on top (around an extra £49.99) which adds up to a pretty heft £500+ price tag for a console bundle.

Buy the Spiderman PS4 console at Amazon

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I've been a gamer ever since I was old enough to hold a controller, early 90's to be exact. My first console was a NES, with my favourite games ranging from Super Mario to Duck Hunt. Fast forward almost 30 years and I'm now a PS4, PC and Switch player. My ideal genres are RPG and RTS titles, so Assassin's Creed, Kingdom Hearts, Viv 6 and Two Point Hospital are included in my mix.

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