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Apex Legends Character Stats List

Apex Legends character stats:

Similar to the likes of Battle Royale title Fortnite, EA’s Apex Legends characters that we know of so far appear to steal the spotlight from the game. It’s not clear how this focus will unfold as time progresses, with the possibility of the higher level players taking class-based progression to the next level. But for now at least the Apex Legends character stats are here to play a central role in the new Battle Royale title.

Make sure to check out our Apex Legends beginners guide if this is your first play attempt, but if you’re here for the character attributes we’ve noted each class’ play styles along with each class’s abilities.

When you begin a match you’ll have to select one of the eight available classes. From the off you’ll find six of these are unlocked with the remainder requiring you to play the game to unlock. You can use your own cash to unlock these two characters or build up the currency you earn in the game. Each class type is listed below.

Apex Legends character stats: Bangalore – Professional Soldier

Availability: Free from you first begin the game

Tactical Ability

Smoke Launcher – Fire a high-velocity smoke canister that explodes into a smoke wall on impact.

Passive Ability

Double Time – Taking fire while sprinting makes you move faster for a brief time.

Ultimate Ability

Rolling Thunder – Call in an artillery strike that slowly creeps across the landscape.

Apex Legends character stats: Bloodhound – Technological Tracker

Availability: Free from you first begin the game

Tactical Ability

Eye of the Allfather – Briefly reveal hidden enemies, traps, and clues throughout structures in front of you.

Passive Ability

Tracker – See tracks left behind by your foes.

Ultimate Ability

Beast of the Hunt – Enhances your senses, allowing you move faster and highlighting your prey.

Apex Legends character stats: Caustic – Toxic Trapper

Availability: Needs to be unlocked either using 750 Apex Coins/12,000 Legend tokens

Tactical Ability

Nox Gas Trap – Drop canisters that release deadly Nox gas when shot or triggered by enemies.

Passive Ability

Nox Vision – Allows you to see enemies through your gas.

Ultimate Ability

Nox Gas Grenade – Blankets a large area in Nox gas.

Apex Legends character stats: Gibralter – Shielded Fortress

Availability: Free from you first begin the game

Tactical Ability

Dome of Protection – Throw down a dome-shield that blocks attacks for 15 seconds.

Passive Ability

Gun Shield – Aiming down sights deploys a gun shield that blocks incoming fire.

Ultimate Ability

Defensive Bombardment – Call in a concentrated mortar strike on a marked position

Apex Legends character stats: Lifeline – Combat Medic

Availability: Free from you first begin the game

Tactical Ability

D.O.C. Heal Drone – Call your Drone of Compassion to automatically heal nearby teammates over time.

Passive Ability

Combat Medic – Revive knocked down teammates faster while protected by a shield wall. Healing items are used 25% faster

Ultimate Ability

Care Package – Call in a drop pod full of high-quality defensive gear.

Apex Legends character stats: Mirage – Holographic Trickster

Availability: Needs to be unlocked either using 750 Apex Coins/12,000 Legend tokens

Tactical Ability

Psyche Out – Send out a holographic decoy to confuse the enemy.

Passive Ability

Encore! – Automatically drop a decoy and cloak for five seconds when knocked down.

Ultimate Ability

Vanishing Act – Deploy a team of Decoys to distract enemies while you cloak.

Apex Legends character stats: Pathfinder – Forward Scout

Availability: Free from you first begin the game

Tactical Ability

Grappling Hook – Grapple to get to out-of-reach places quickly.

Passive Ability
Insider Knowledge – Scan a survey beacon to reveal the ring’s next location.

Ultimate Ability

Zipline Gun – Create a zipline for everyone to use.

Apex Legends character stats: Wraith – Interdimensional Skirmisher

Availability: Free from you first begin the game

Tactical Ability

Into the Void – Reposition quickly through the safety of void space, avoiding all damage.

Passive Ability

Voices from the Void – A voice warns you when danger approaches. As far as you can tell, it’s on your side.

Ultimate Ability

Dimensional Rift – Link two locations with portals for 60 seconds, allowing your entire team to use them.
Need more guidance on Apex Legends? Have a peak out our Apex Legends Guide which will list all of the new guides as they are added to our site.
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I've been a gamer ever since I was old enough to hold a controller, early 90's to be exact. My first console was a NES, with my favourite games ranging from Super Mario to Duck Hunt. Fast forward almost 30 years and I'm now a PS4, PC and Switch player. My ideal genres are RPG and RTS titles, so Assassin's Creed, Kingdom Hearts, Viv 6 and Two Point Hospital are included in my mix.

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  1. You can also track global stats like legends winrates http://play-apex.net/stats

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