This weekend is likely to be a busy one for you Apex fans out there. The developers of the first Person battle royale have decided to treat us this weekend with an Apex Legends Kings Canyon return. Wh...[Read More]
The guys over at Apex HQ won’t be happy with a leak appearing ahead of the Season 2 launch next week. As discussed at E3 2019 next Tuesday July 2nd will see the official launch of Season 2 but t...[Read More]
This week saw the roll-out of the Apex Legends 1.1 update, and with it brought some improvements to prevent player cheating, bug fixes in addition to enabling a feature to hook up with the last match ...[Read More]
With how massive Apex legends has been since launch it’s likely you’ve either played or at least seen the game in action if you’reĀ reading this. For the players there appears to hav...[Read More]
It may have seemed like forever but the Apex Legends Season 1 Battle Pass has finally made its debut. The Wild Frontier as it’s known is getting a mix of reviews, but whether you part with your ...[Read More]
After a long wait the launch of the Apex legends battle Pass finally made its debut. Along with the Battle Pass release came new weapons and characters, Octane being one of them – here’s o...[Read More]
Thanks to yet another Apex legends leak, the second one this week in fact, we’ve now been given a closer look at what the new Legends could look like in what appears to be show that Apex Legends...[Read More]
It looks as though we could be seeing a few new Apex Legends additions which include a night mode, new weapons, and Apex legends NPCs. The news comes following evidence that data miners have dug into ...[Read More]
As announced in the Apex Legends 2019 Roadmap, it’s not long now until the first season addition is released. Before all that happens though Respawn have released an Apex Legends balance patch. ...[Read More]