Along with some awesome new games, and Xbox announcing a new console, E3 2019 brought us the reveal of the Borderlands 2 Commander Lilith DLC which will definitely lead nicely to the upcoming Borderlands 3. The latest adventure for the loot and shoot title which comes from Gearbox to follow a story for Lilith, and shows us exactly what goes on with Sanctuary. You’ll need to get your hands on the Borderlands 2 Commander Lilith DLC to see exactly what’s happening.
Borderlands 2 Commander Lilith DLC download steps
In order to grab the Borderlands 2 Commander Lilith DLC download you’ll first need to ensure you have the base game of Borderlands 2 for PC, and if you’re on Xbox or PS4 you’ll need Borderlands: The Handsome Collection. After you’ve ticked that first box it’s just a case of installing the Borderlands 2 Commander Lilith DLC followed by visiting the newly added ”Fight For Sanctuary” area. To get to this location you’ll need to head to a Fast-Travel Station to spawn you there.
Before you even attempt the Borderlands 2 Commander Lilith DLC you would be wise to be a level 30 Vault Hunter, you’ll be struggling immensely otherwise. Complete the main campaign before you begin, as if you’re not one for spoilers this will show you Handsome Jack’s endgame. Not bothered about seeing spoilers? Continue at your own risk and make your way through the metal door that you’ll immediately see after Fast-Travelling to the area for Fight For Sanctuary.
Fortunately if you’re feeling a little lazy and can’t be bothered to level up your Vault Hunter, you can simply go back to the main menu screen to create a new character which will auto arrive at level 30. It’s worth noting however that creating a new character for the Borderlands 2 Commander Lilith DLC that they’ll begin the DLC story and you won’t need to fast-travel, but the last of the missions won’t have been completed. Every player is different, but for me I’d polish off Borderlands 2 to get the full story before beggining the Borderlands 2 Commander Lilith DLC.
If you fancy heading back to the initial Sanctuary even though you’ve begun the Borderlands 2 Commander Lilith DLC that’s also fine too, some of us like taking Moxi’s slots for a whirl!