It looks as though the devs at BioWare are going to be releasing quite a significant update this evening which can see some very key in-game improvements. The Anthem Update 1.0.3 is set to go live between 13:00 and 15:00 GMT, while Central Time is between 7:00 AM and and 9:00 AM today (March 9th), with changes that include sorting out the Anthem crashes, changing the current loot system, getting rid of restrictions on respawns and audio improvements.
Drilling this detail down further it means that Agent Missions, Crit-path and missions that aren’t end-game specific will now adhere to a 10 second respawn timer – so the timers are now aligned with which activity each players is in. A respawn timer of 30 seconds on the other hand will apply to Legendary contracts and Strongholds, in addition to a variety of other endgame quests. Freeplay mode however will see no changes to respawns.
There’s also a change to both Common and Uncommon loot drops which means players who have hit the level 30 mark won’t see these drops appear – which was a much needed change.
Crashing problems in addition to disconnects are very welcome as part of the anthem Update 1.0.3 as the stability pass applied to all platforms should now reduce this.
Take a peak at the entire list of changes on the Reddit thread, but generally speaking the patch has added some much needed quality of live amendments that players should be pretty happy with.
As an example, if you’re in Fort Tarsis or the Launch bay you’ll now be able to start an expedition as long as you’re in the area. Additionally harvest nodes, explosive canisters and other destructible items can be used to shield charge The Colossus.
anthem Update 1.0.3 – still a long way to go
Aside from the changes listed, BioWare has demonstrated a wealth of problems they’re working on resolving such as stormy weather causing javelin thrusters to experience visual effects, and features like challenges not tracking correctly.
The game really hasn’t got off to a great start since its release, with it’s player base feeding back on a wide range of issue such as the existing level 1 bug that impacts the rifle making average loot much too strong – potentially meaning it’s more powerful than any other weapon in Anthem. Then there’s the PlayStation 4 crash bug where players have experienced their console acting as if the power cable has been pulled out.
It’s decent of the devs to carry on fixing the game and not just drop it dead in the water, but can a game with so many negative problems be brought into a positive light? I’m not so sure.
If you’re happily playing Anthem without issues, why not check out our Anthem wiki guide, which includes guides such as the Anthem Alliance system guide and Anthem combos info.
Still not checked out Anthem? You can buy it right now on Amazon.
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