Among many other exciting reveals during the 2019 Game Awards, the Gears of War Tactics release date landed alongside a teaser trailer to show off the...
Just when you thought The Wolf Among Us was dead in the water, a new The Wolf Among Us 2 trailer landed at the Game Awards 2019. Additionally, players...
Unless you have been hiding under a rock you’ll no doubt have heard (or played) the Silent Hill PT demo. Needless to say, that was some scary sh...
It’s less than two weeks away until we see T-800 making his way into Mortal Kombat 11. It looks as though the developers are just as excited as ...
Following a series of teasers and clips that you’d only get to see at the cinema, a full-length Harley Quinn Birds of Prey trailer has been reve...
The news we’ve been waiting for, which has felt like a lifetime has finally emerged; The Last of Us 2 release date! In addition to the release d...
After Spyro: the Reignited Trilogy, Crash Team Racing and Crash n’ Sane Trilogy were remakes of retro classics, it seems like Disney are getting...
As reported earlier this week EA announced that they would be releasing a new title to the Need for Speed franchise at Gamescom. Ahead of the announce...
We’re at a stage in time where the devs behind Borderlands 3 don’t need to sell us the game anymore, most of us are already onboard to buy...